Plans for next game (archived post)

I’m considering “XR Friend R” for the title. XR Friend for non-adult chat app. XR Friend R for the adult version.

This video shows voice command function.

Commands are processed by AI. Which means you can say the same thing in a variety of ways. You can also use non-English languages.

Later, you’ll say stuff like “let’s fuck here”, then the girl will go to the sex mode.

This new technology will make it feel more like a virtual girlfriend.

I will use Neve from now on and create the sex function. Then it’ll become an early access product.

Here are some of the updated plans.

I’ll create the first game with the new Neve character. Using the 3D scan is my ultimate goal, but the 3D scan causes me huge stress for the quality issue.

Moving around the house

The gameflow will be like this:

  1. The girl comes in from the door and say greeting message.
  2. Free-play mode.  (AI conversation or sex)

Every action will react to voice commands. Voice commands will be particularly useful when you play with hand tracking.

So far, VR Hand Revolution games have been mostly made of switching poses.

This time, I want the girl to move around smoothly, and I want to implement the AI Voice command.

Consider this. We can say “come here,” “come close,” “come to me,” or any other numerous ways. And don’t forget non-English languages.

It’s impossible to recognize natural human language through simple word-matching. The “intent recognition” in AI makes it possible.

Test shot of Kyler Quinn for the next game.

These are the girls to be in the next game.

For more info about my next game, check out this post.

It’ll be an AI pornstar dating game. But don’t ask about it too much, because I myself don’t know how it’s going to be yet.

It’s basically a VR Hand Revolution game that uses fixed animations. I’d like to add AI and more events to it this time.

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1 month ago

the model is really detailed when you look at it, you can see little scars and such. the only thing would say is that her knees (Insert joke here) look alot darker and once nude may stick out, but it looks good otherwise. I probably already know the answer to this, But is there any way to make the walking animations smoother? Of course I understand This is probably What you’re using right now before polishing it up.

Last edited 1 month ago by jarheem
3 months ago

This is fantastic. I bet lots of users share my fantasy of being able to converse with a virtual “date,” and to be able to command her to do certain things.

The other thing that would really put it over the top would be the ability to tune personality traits, somehow. Right now, I feel like the Dolphin and ChatGPT bots still feel like they’re just slutty versions of the “how can I help you?” attitude that is the core of the AI bot programming. That isn’t bad, and is sexy in some ways, but a more realistic and human-like response would be amazing. Like, maybe training the AI bot by having it read transcripts of some old softcore porn or something. Or being able to choose a scenario and have them give appropriate responses to that scenario.

4 months ago

bad bunny outfit

qwerty nutmeg
4 months ago

This is fucking awesome