Advanced Posing Menu (working)

Final basic menu

It looks like the basic mode is final now.

Those lifting options will help you make the final adjustments to the models. For example, you can move the position without breaking the rotation. You can move the model horizontally or vertically.

Full Body Yaw Rotation will be useful after importing pose from other scene or body share.

One hand lifting

I made this because there’s a user who uses only one controller. (He uses Magic Leap One.) If any of you don’t like two-handed lifting, this could be useful.

Reset limbs menu

These buttons will come handy from time to time.

Posing Submenu

  1. Advanced will have various menus to adjust details, like the extruding pussy.
  2. Hand/Fingers is self-describing.
  3. Physics will control hair and skirts.
  4. Misc. has some features to reset parts.

This month, I’ll complete posing section, and add Tifa to R34 pack.

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Turd Furgeson
2 years ago

Any luck updating hand control using Quest? Still not having any luck regular pose game or AR.

2 years ago

do you know when the features will come out?